2. Localization of Sales Materials
Brand Anchor Japan will conduct a thorough review of your existing sales & marketing materials to decide on the materials to be used in Japan, and will localize accordingly your various materials ranging from a short email introduction template, a brochure, all the way to a pitch deck.
Reviewing your existing sales & marketing materials
We will go through each of your materials that explains your company as well as your service to evaluate what is missing, or what requires a different way of presentation for a better reaction from Japanese companies.
Planning based on the sales & marketing strategy
We will plan the usage of different materials at each step of the marketing and sales process. This includes concise overviews as well as more technical materials for deep discussions with clients, and even a Japanese page on your site.
Creating a Japanese version of your marketing materials
We will localize all of your sales & marketing materials to be used in Japan: this would include revising your diagrams and images used in your decks as well as the layout so that everything is uniform in terms of font and style.